LOH works towards the protection and promotion of children rights to minimize the risks of any form of violence against them. We work by empowering communities, local leaders and children themselves to help prevent and respond to any abuse, exploitation, neglect and any other variable form of violence affecting the development and well-being of children.
Our intervention for the protection of children's rights mainly focuses on;
Strengthening the capacities of community child protection structures in the prevention and response to child abuse,
Education of communities through dialogues and other gatherings on issues affecting the well-being of children and their preventive measures,
Strengthening children's structures to raise their awareness of the protection of children's rights,
Providing child sponsorship support,
Working with partners and stakeholders, particularly local leaders, schools and families to discuss everyone's role in protecting children's rights —IT TAKES EVERYONE TO END CHILD ABUSE.
Providing free legal education and aid services on issues affecting children’s rights and welfare,
Providing free legal representation service to children victims of SGBV,
Fighting school dropout by providing support to school feeding program,
Rehabilitating and reunifying unaccompanied children with their families,.
Use of football to create safe space for street children to identify their problems and provide help for their integration in the families.
Fellowship with children and their families.
Using alternative dispute resolution mechanisms to resolve conflicts in families to minimize the risk of children being victimized,
Advocacy for at risk children.